HUI LAU SHAN’s first traditional herbal tea shop in the early 1960’s, starting with Herb Jelly and a variety of herbal teas, which are believed to provide Chinese medical health functions. Attributed to the desire on innovation and determination, a product breakthrough of Mango Sago Mix in 1992 has earned HLS a fame of Hong Kong Fresh Fruit Dessert Pioneer. Presently, we have become the largest dessert chain in Hong Kong.
Aspired to become the leader of healthy fruit dessert, and the pioneer to promote healthy fruit dessert culture as a way of life.
Social Media Reviews
TripAdvisor – Hui Lau Shan 許留山 @Pavilion
HungryGoWhere – Hui Lau Shan 許留山 @Pavilion
Zomato – Hui Lau Shan 許留山 @Pavilion
Openrice – Hui Lau Shan 許留山 @Pavilion
Food Bloggers Reviews
TheSmartLocal – Hui Lau Shan 許留山 @Pavilion
JessyTheKLChic – Hui Lau Shan 許留山 @Pavilion
All Reviews