A sister restaurant of Tokyo Don, Tokyo Teppan specializes in teppanyaki. Whether it is the salmon teppanyaki, or the Angus beef teppanyaki, or mixture of dishes, customers will be pleased by the competently prepared meal.
Popular with both corporate and family dining, diners enjoy Tokyo Teppan’fs cooking not only for the fresh, flavorful Japanese ingredients, but also for the performance artistry of the teppanyaki chef who masterfully chops and dices the food, then sets the entire grill aflame in the blink of an eye.
Social Media Reviews
TripAdvisor – Tokyo Teppan @Pavilion
Burpple – Tokyo Teppan @Pavilion
Zomato – Tokyo Teppan @Pavilion
Openrice – Tokyo Teppan @Pavilion
Food Bloggers Reviews
EatDrinkKL – Tokyo Teppan @Pavilion
EatWhatEatWhere – Tokyo Teppan @Pavilion
All Reviews